Anubias barteri 'Lucy' - Plant

Dark, glossy leaves that form a compact and rounded plant, perfect for foreground interest and contrast.

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Anubias barteri 'Lucy' - Plant

Product Details

Contents: One Anubias barteri 'Lucy' plant. This variety stands out for its unique leaf shape and compact growth habit, making it an ideal choice for aquarists looking to add a touch of elegance to their tanks.

Dimensions: Suitable for all tank sizes, 'Lucy' maintains a compact size, perfect for foreground to midground placement. Its slow growth rate allows for easy maintenance and placement control.

General Description

  • Common Name(s): Anubias 'Lucy'
  • Scientific Name: Anubias barteri var. 'Lucy'
  • Visual Description: Features lush, dark green leaves with a slightly wavy texture, providing a distinct look compared to other Anubias species. Its leaves are durable, making it resilient to nibbling by certain fish.

Growing Conditions

  • Light Requirements: Low to moderate lighting is sufficient, helping to minimize algae growth on the leaves.
  • Water Requirements: Adaptable to a wide range of water parameters, though it prefers clean and well-oxygenated environments.
  • Temperature Range: Ideal temperature range is 22°C to 28°C (72°F to 82°F), compatible with most tropical aquarium setups.
  • Humidity Preferences: As a fully aquatic plant, it does not have specific humidity requirements.

Planting & Care

  • Substrate Preferences: Does not require planting in substrate; can be attached to driftwood, rocks, or decorations to enhance the aquascape.
  • Fertilization Needs: Benefits from supplemental nutrients, especially in low-nutrient setups, but has low overall demands.
  • Propagation Methods: Can be easily propagated by dividing the rhizome, ensuring each section has several leaves.
  • Pruning/Tidying Up: Minimal pruning required, mainly to remove any yellowing or damaged leaves to keep the plant looking its best.


  • Aquarium Placement: Flexible placement options; its compact size makes it ideal for both foreground and midground positions.
  • Attachment: Prefers to be attached to hard surfaces rather than planted in the substrate, allowing for creative aquascaping opportunities.
  • Spacing Requirements: Provide some space between plants to ensure adequate light and water circulation for each specimen.


  • Aquarium Compatibility: Compatible with a wide variety of fish and invertebrates, especially those that do not tend to disturb plants. Its tough leaves are resistant to damage from most species.
  • Pest/Disease Resistance: Exhibits strong resistance to pests and diseases with proper care, contributing to a healthy aquarium environment.

Special Requirements or Tips

  • Special Care Instructions: Ensure the rhizome is not buried in the substrate to prevent rot. Attaching it above the substrate level promotes healthy growth.
  • Seasonal Care: No significant seasonal care changes required for indoor aquariums, making it an easy-to-care-for choice year-round.

Ecological Impact

  • Invasiveness: Non-invasive when kept in aquarium settings, with no risk of escaping into natural waterways in controlled environments.
  • Benefit to Wildlife: Provides shelter and breeding grounds for aquatic fauna, enhancing the ecosystem within the aquarium.

Anubias barteri 'Lucy' - Plant

$31.20 $40.00 22% Off